29 January, 2010

Fourth Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha

Fourth Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha
Venue: Image Garden in Madhapur, Hyderabad.


In the context of the foregoing, the following Resolutions were passed by the Acharya Sabha:

a)                  Individual Mathas and Peethas must undertake, proactively, a well thought out program of projects supported by or on behalf of the Acharya Sabha. Some examples of such projects are:

i)                    Supporting the teaching of spoken Samskritam in a large number of locations (schools run by Mathas and Peethas, temples, new private entities). The effort must be to develop some proficiency in spoken Samskritam, the grammar coming a little later. Youth as well as grown ups should be brought within the scheme.

ii)                   Improving the management of public temples out side the Endowment Act. Such temples tend to be very small, neglected for want of archakas and regular temple rituals. These temples should be saved from dereliction and disappearance. Some of them should be identified for rejuvenation so that the nearby population will be attracted to the temples and help in restoring our ancient temple culture. In doing this rural and semi-rural temples could be given priority. Temple going will also greatly help in our resistance to conversion.

iii)                 The archakas in such rejuvenated temples should be trained in not only in worship procedures and samskara rituals in the concerned Samparadayas but in teaching our Dhrama to the simple people visiting the temples and in encouraging Seva work.

iv)                 Better management of festivals and pilgrimages, by preventing accidents, improving environmental hygiene around the temples and provision of emergency medical aid etc. Acharyas may identify some of their devotees and put them to work in this regard.

v)                  In the selected temples speeches by learned persons on Dharmic and contemporary issues of concern to Hindu society should be arranged. They may be largely local residents but when possible, from elsewhere too.

vi)                 Vigorous exhortation by Acharyas of their devotee masses in their pravachans in the field, to abandon out-dated and harmful practices such as (i) lack of respect for women, (ii) dowry demand and ill treatment of brides and young married women for reasons such as dowry etc; (iii) child marriage, child labor denying education to them; (iv) mass killing of animas as a religious ritual and (v) casteist approach in family and social contexts.

vii)               Systematic tree plantation in villages and municipalities under the aegis of individual Acharyas.

b)                  The establishment of an Institute of Hindu heritage studies and research should be investigated with the assistance and collaboration of the SASTRA University. With suggestions from Acharyas a Panel of scholars could be formed to decide the nature of the courses in such and Institute and to design the appropriate curriculum.

c)                  Under the guidance of a core group of Acharyas a carefully considered ‘Road map’ for the Acharya Sabha thought through by think tanks should be produced. This should include the structure of the Acharya Sabha at different levels, funds required for pursuing the program, strengthening of the Central Secretariat and associated offices servicing the Acharya Sabha.

d)                  Efforts must be set in motion to create legal cells at the national and regional levels. Names of competent and committed lawyers could be suggested by the Acharyas for this purpose. With the help of such Cells possibilities to take legal recourse in the interests of Hindu Dharma and society, should be systematically explored.

e)                  A Rashtiya Jyotish Goshti may be planned at a suitable time to thoroughly consider Panchangams with the help of the best available experts in astronomy, mathematics and astrology. Acharyas may suggest suitable experts for such a Goshti.

f)                    Cow slaughter and export of cows for slaughter in neighboring countries are still taking place on a wide scale due to the inaction of State governments. This much be resolutely opposed by Acharyas and they should give all assistance in rescuing the cows and for their support in Goshalas.

g)                  Hindu families should contribute consciously to the Defence forces and the various police organizations in necessary, increasing the number of children in the families.

h)                  Suitable efforts may be made to create a Forum of Parliamentarians to project Hindu concerns and interest inside the Parliament and in government.

i)                    At the time of the oncoming Haridwar Kumbha Mela a group of Acharyas may be convened to give further consideration to implementation of some of the foregoing Resolutions.

j)                    Legal action may be considered to force the Encyclopedia of Britannica to withdraw the Article on Hinduism by Professor Wendy Doniger of the University of Chicago, which contains several comments and explanations hurtful to Hindu sentiments

k)                  In the context of the needless controversy rekindled by some Islamic elements in the country on the settled subject of singing Vande Mataram, the Acharya members may consider promoting the voluntary singing of this National song in all public places including schools and colleges. In their Pravachans the beauty and meaning of this great song should be explained by the Acharya members.
l)                    The Acharya Sabha offered condolences on hearing the demise of the following members of the Sabha, all from Tamil Nadu: the Head of the Ethiraja Matham in Sriperumbudur, of Perarulala Ramanuja Jeer Matham in Tirukurangudi and the Head of Emberumanar Jeer Matham in Alwarthirunagari.

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