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Sri Arun Kumar addressing the Audions |
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Participants |
Conducted at Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad on 29-01-12.
Organised by Social Cause, a registered society.
A State level workshop was conducted under the aegis of “Social Cause”, a Registered Society at Osmania University Centre for International Programmes, OU Campus, Hyderabad on 29th January, 2012 from 1000 A.M. to 4-45 P.M.
Session - I (Inaugural Session)
The morning session was commenced with Key-note address by
Sri Arun Kumar
Director, Jammu-Kashmir Study Centre, New Delhi, Member, Central Executive, RSS.
Guests of Honour:
Lt.Gen.K.S.Rao PVSM SC, SM,
Former DG. Border Roads Organization
Sri M.V.R.Sastry
Editor Andhra Bhoomi
Sri Shailesh Reddy
Channel Head, Zee 24 Gantalu
Special Guest:
Sri Ashok Munshi,
Office-bearer, Kashmiri Samaj, Hyderabad
The session was presided over by Dr.somarajuSuseela, President Social cause with Dr.UdayChowdary, Secretary, Secretary, Social Cause.
Proceedings of Session- II
The session was presided over byLt.Col.(retd.) Prof.V.R.RajuDatla, General Secretary, Forum for Integrated National Security (FINS), A.P. and in his opening remarks said that he worked in Ladakh region which formed part of Leh&Kargil and narrated his tough experiences encountered by him during his period of service there.He said that Jammu & Kashmir has got 5000 years of recorded history.
Sri VaddiVijayaSarathi, Editor, Jagruti while speaking on the occasion brought out the details of history of J&K.Shri Kalhana of 13th century wrote “Rajatarangini” which contained history of J&K. He mentioned that Dharma as taught by Gurus is different from word religion. For 400 to 500 years the expansion of kingdoms took place on a larger scale by either Muslim or Christian rulers. During 1320, JuljiKhadir Khan, disciple of Chengejkhan invaded Jammu & Kashmir. One revered Buddhist monk from Tibet came over to J&K and tried to propagate Buddhism, SanatanaDharma andon failing to do so got himself converted into Islam. During 14th century Sultan Samshuddin became king of J&K and ruled for three years and forcibly married one Kotarani who committed suicide unable to bear the insult. Noted Martanda temple was destroyed.
Gradually people were being converted into Islam. One harsh punishment to the people by the Muslim misrule was through collection of Jijiya tax. J&K became part of Mogul rulers. The rule during Akbar’s time was free from complaints but spoiled once Aurangzeb came to power. Guru TejBahdur resisted the attempt by Aurangzeb to forcibly convert him into Islam. SardarRanjitSingh ruled J&K as ideal king. J&K has been integral part of India from much before 1948 when Instrument of Accession took place and resident officer was appointed. Claiming to be representative of the people, ‘Quit Kashmir’ call was given by Shaik Abdullah addressing to Maharaja Harisingh. ShriV.VijayaSaradhi went on to explain how East India Company began establishing its rule in India from 1757 taking advantage of the internal conflicts amongst the nawabs in Bengal.
Shri K. RakaSudhakarRao, Senior Journalistthen spoke about the topography and geographyof J&K. He said that Karakorum highway was constructed during 1954 through highest peak. Maharaja Gulabsingh was the chief architect of J&K. ShriMohanlal Kashmiri protected strategic interests of Jammu and Kashmir who was later forced to change his name to Aga Mohammad John. The strategic location of J&K is so important that it is contiguous with boundaries of 5 countries namely Pakistan, Tajikistan (earlier Russia), Afghanistan, Tibet and China. The way to important area Leh is only through mountain path. There are 4 important mountain routes like Barihan pass, and the 4th route is Rohantk pass (to enter through Himachalpradesh).
One should not forget the fact that internal conflict amongst the Shia and Sunni sects of Muslims was one of the root causes of J&K crisis. “Sarpavinash” was carried out by Indian Government in J&k to reduce the militancy problem in India.
The period from 1989 to 1995 is called as phase of ‘Azadi’.(limited to Kashmir valley).The period from 1995 to 2003 is called as phase of ‘Jihadi’ and the period post 2005 is called phase of ‘Phasadi (creating petty disturbances like stone throwing etc.,). Disturbances caused during AmarnathYatra come under this Phasadi phase which lacks local support. As of now, militancy Is reduced in J&K. Though main areas are connected well with good roads, other areas and remote places continue to suffer with bad roads and conveyance is still a problem. ShriRakaSudhakar made a comparison with Assam with such poor conveyance where he himself worked some time ago. He cited the example in Telangana region where naxal problem has been solved to a large extent with advanced communications facilities and expressed hope that such better communications will go a long way in solving militancy problem in J&K.
Dr.G.B.Reddy, Associate Professor, Dept. of Law, Osmania University and Jt.Director, U.F.R.O.at O.U.spoke on the occasion and said that distortion of history is the root cause of several problems being faced. He mentioned that change of approach in search of solution to J&K by having a fresh look with a proper perspective would bring the desired result.
Proceedings of Session III
ShriHebbarNageswaraRao a senior journalist while addressing the gathering mentioned that Indira Gandhi increased Loksabha term to 6 years from 5 years. MorarjiDesaI again brought it to 5 years with amendment to Constitution. But in the case of J&K Assembly it is still 6 years term whereas for the rest of the country, the term of State Assemblies is 5 years. This leads to a strange situation as if we have 2 constitutions in India. Those who are not resident citizens of J&K, but hail from rest of India are not entitled to vote in J&K. 20% of Jammu population are dalits. About 7 to 12 lakh people now residing in J&K are not entitled to either vote or contest in elections conducted in J&K. There is no right to property for those in J&K marrying outside the state. There are two flags, one for J&K and second for the rest of the country. How strange it is?
There are several special provisions in Article 370. Nobody hailing from the rest of the country can directly purchase property in J&K State. As long as Article 370 remains in the Statue book, a sovereign country exists within another sovereign country. After Independence, all native States were merged with India except Junagad, Hyderabad and J&K. Kashmir was merged with India under the Instrument of Accession. Nehru gave too much importance to Shaik Abdullah by saying that as people’s representative, his consent should be taken before integrating J&K with India. The then Central Government was of the view that till J&K State Assembly’s approval was obtained, J&K cannot be integrated with India. Shyam Prasad Mukherji through agitations fought for removal of 2 P.Ms and 2 flags (before 1953, there used to be a separate P.M.for J&K). By retaining Article 370, the ruling Government wants to create an impression that Muslims are a separate entity. Now there is a demand for autonomy. The Central Government does not wield power over J&K which otherwise it should have as per 7th Schedule under Concurrent list. If demand for Autonomy is granted, there will be a separate currency in J&K. Next there will be a demand for self-rule.
Article 370 can be removed with 2/3rd majority in Parliament. Continuance of this Article could aggravate separatist and disruptive tendencies. Minorities live happily and peacefully in States other than J&K, but in J&K though Muslims are in majority, they are deprived of peaceful life. The aim of Hurriat conference is akin to J.K.L.F. which is to separate J&K from India. The sinister move is to slowly drive out Hindus from J&K so that only Muslims remain in J&K. In Ladakh and Jammu regions there is no Muslim majority. The Hindus were 40% in Kashmir before 1947 and now in Kashmir, there are only 530 Hindu families. Separatist ideology is on the rise and Muslims are taking away all the advantages by wielding their influence and it is time to scrap 370 Article from the Statute book.
He said that India is not formed as theocratic State.But what has been happening in India is that Government has never taken any pro-active stand against terrorism. We don’t have a trusted friendly neighbouring country. We cannot bloat over having nuclear weapons since our neighbours too have. The terror activities are oriented towards symbolic targets like Parliament, temples and soft targets like shopping malls, cinema halls etc. There is no coordination between centre&State Governments. Central Government do not share information with State Governments useful to contain terror activities purely for political reasons. Shri Ramesh Babu mentioned about Israel which though surrounded by enemy countries and is under constant existential threat bravely face taking counter terrorism steps adequately and prudently. He cited the case of Iran which never took a stand on J&K. He then narrated about counter terrorism steps in USA subsequent to 2001 terror attack in New York and how they succeeded in containing any further terror activity.
India has not taken any pro-active stand against terrorism but has taken only reactionary stand. Why no political party in India puts ‘terror free India’ in their election manifesto? He asked. There are no investments in human intelligence or open source intelligence? Why he asked. There is no strategy on national Security, he said. Instead of giving special treatment for Muslims, the Government should instead adopt holistic approach. Youth should be made part of decision making. The example of USA is worth emulating where there is unanimity and combined effort from all parties in regard to National Security. Shri Ramesh Babu concluded by saying that we have to activate politicians who could be given civics and street lessons.
Mrs.SanghMitra, Asst.Professor while speaking on the occasion stressed the importance of proper leadership and said that we have to create leaders and not merely followers and thus we can create sanghmitra. We can achieve our goal by self-analysis and taking remedial steps in whichever field we are working. Our stand should be clear. We have to ensure that we work with commitment. Natural resources should be properly invested. She concluded by saying that each one has to work in a manner by giving justice to the nation and society.
Preceedings of Session IV
ShriArun Kumar, Director, Jammu-Kashmir Study Centre, New Delhi Member, Central Executive, RSS.,while speaking about the Geopolitical significance of J&K narrated that he worked as PranthPracharak in J&K. He mentioned that he met all separatist leaders and read different journals in regard to Kashmir. There is so much miss-information in J&K. There are 15 to 20 intellectuals working on J&K issue within RSS. As is widely perceived, Article 370 is not a special status in the true sense but only a temporary transitional provision. In this Article there are two superfluous clauses. There are 52 entries in the Concurrent list and those applicable to the State are nil and the Centre cannot interfere. As far as State list is concerned, it has full powers.As per Article 35 A of 1954 which is an addition to Article 35, to become a citizen of J&K, one has to become an Indian citizen first. One has to obtain a permanent resident certificate. MaqboolSherwani became Maqbool Butt.
ShriArun Kumar went on to say that Article 370 never meant separate status. It has been converted into special status with ulterior motive. This Article is interesting and we have to go for a fresh look into it and it was thrust forcibly. It is in fact only a temporary provision. Residual powers stay with the State. So many accords are there but they donot become Acts. He quoted examples like Rajiv- SantLangowal accord etc., which cannot be taken as Acts. He reminded about Jammu-Ladakh agitation during 1947-52 and Dr.Shyam Prasad Mukherji’s positive role for bringing sanity in the region. He averred that a mere accord between Nehru and Shaik Abdullah ultimately led to Article 370.
The workshop concluded with question-answer session. On a question asked by Dr.SomarajuSuseela, president, Social Cause, whether Article 370 can be removed from the Statute book, ShriArun Kumar answered that It was a hastily arranged Article and it can be challenged by quoting basic structure of the Constitution which should ensure freedom, equality and fraternity. To a question by Sri RakaSudhakar why should we continue with 1971 Simla Pact when it is not doing any good for the country and since national forces are becoming victims due to ambiguity about borders whether recognising L.O.C as international border will bring stability, ShriArun Kumar replied that vulnerable borders cannot give stability and cannot make nation strong. ShriArun Kumar said that if India is safe, J&K is safe and if J&K is safe, India is safe.
ShriArun Kumar reminded the audience that nowhere is J&K shown as part of Pakistan in its Constitution. He talked about strategic importance of Gilgit where six empires meet. To another question by a delegate as to why incursions by Pakistan keep happening frequently, ShriArun Kumar said that if greater care is taken for better roads and improved infrastructure in J&K, the incursions and skirmishes will stop. To another question by another delegate whether we can establish business in J&K, ShriArun Kumar replied that we can get land on lease and do business. He further said that there is a big avenue for business and reminded the audience that Kashmir was and has been not only a cultural centre but also business centre. He also said that one should remove from one’s mind any doubt about total integration of J&K with India. About abrogation of Article 370, he said that national will would pave the way for it. He said that ShriP.V.NarasimhaRao played a notable and positive role in keeping J&K intact. About one lakh people died so far in J&K, he said. He said that after Amarnath Temple issue, the situation is so changed and sentiment has become so strong that J&K cannot be made separate at any cost whether with militancy or otherwise. The mind-set should change politically and more than that society has a role and should be tension free and should work for total merger by treating J&K as any other State of India.
Shri Arun Kumar gave the following suggestions
- Yearly twice, let there be awareness programmes on J&K by way of seminars, workshops etc.
- There should be academic activity on J&K issue like organising study tours and submission of reports by the academicians to the Government. Encouragement should be given for research on the subject and for engaging in academic and intellectual study on J&K. Awarding of PhDs should be undertaken in such cases.
- We should keep visiting J&K including border areas as a tourist and as a pilgrim places like Amarnath and other temples. We should treat it as national responsibility to visit border areas. Hindu activities should increase like construction of Dharmsalasenroute to Amarnath with media level activity. J&K integration is a process which we all should cooperate. The defects that crept in J&K after independence can be rectified with suitable actions.
ShriArun Kumar concluded by exhorting the audience that we should look J&K and act J&K.
ShriRakaSudhakar summed up the programme by saying that our approach should not be limited to terrorists in J&K or to terror and militant organisations alone but to the entire gambit of J&K, P.O.K.,Gilgit etc.
The programme came to an end with remarks and vote of thanks by Shri Ch. Sai Prasad, Co-Convenor, SwadeshiJagaranManch, A.P.
1 comment:
J & K Report is painstakingly prepared, and quite good indeed.
Dr. Metuku Bala Pochayya, Papanna Peta, MDK Dist.
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