14 September, 2015

On the wrong side of history and civilization Monday, 14 September 2015 | Balbir Punj |

The Syrian refugee crisis in Europe shows how those who claim to act in the best interests of Islam actually prefer to push their agenda with bombs, while the Church is using the opportunity to harvest more souls
The massive exodus of terrified individuals and families from West Asia and North Africa to parts of Europe has helped explode several myths that have been repeated regularly for aeons. Myth number one: The Church simply serves humanity without any ulterior motive and conversions to Christianity are voluntary and based on informed choice.
Here is a scene from the evangelical Trinity Church in Berlin, as reported by the Associated Press. “Mohammed Ali Zonoobi bends his head as the priest pours holy water over his black hair. Will you break away from Satan and his evil deeds?” Pastor Gottfried Martens asks the Iranian refugee. “Will you break away from Islam?” “Yes”, Zonoobi fervently replies spreading his hands in blessing. Martens then baptises the man “in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost”.
Mohammed is now Martin — no longer a Muslim, but a Christian. Mohammed Martin is one of the hundreds of “mostly Iranian and Afghan asylum seekers who have converted to Christianity” at the said church, according to AP reports. And most of these new converts say true belief prompted them to change their faith!
But anyone can see through the charade! The Church is taking advantage of helpless victims who are desperate to escape death and persecution back home. They have risked their lives, trudged long distances through snow and rain in search of security, both physical and economic, which Europe offers.
Obviously, overwhelming human instinct for survival over rides their commitment to the faith that the unfortunate refugees were born into. Converting to Christianity will ensure that they are not deported back.
The evangelical Trinity Church in Berlin is not acting in isolation. Pope Francis has called upon Catholic parishes, convents and monasteries across Europe to provide shelter to refuges who are “fleeing death” from war and hunger. Invoking the Gospel and citing the example of Mother Teresa, the Pope has asked the faithful “to be neighbours to the smallest and most abandoned to give them concrete hope”.
One does not have to read in between the lines. The message is loud and clear. Reach out to the needy and hungry. Strike now, the iron is hot. For the church, it’s time for business — buy a soul for a loaf of bread. Is it not the way souls have been won over to the faith for hundreds of years across the continents? It’s a time tested strategy which seldom fails.
Myth number two: There is a Islamic super state, an ummah, where the boundaries are supposed to go and one Islamic supra-nation prevails. What did the rich Arab nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates do for these refugees, most of whom are Muslims themselves? An Arab newspaper Al-Khateeb carried a report on September 4, telling the world about the resettlement contribution of these rich Arab nations to the survival of these Islamic refugees. Against each rich Arab Gulf country, the surprising figure was a big zero.
The Washington Post’s correspondent Ishan Tharoor pointed out in another report, “These countries have some of the Arab world’s largest military Budgets, highest standards of living. Some of them played conspicuous role in funding and arming a constellation of rebel and Islamist factions fighting the Syrian Government of President Assad”.
That means, these Gulf countries themselves are responsible in creating the armed power struggle going on for several years now in the area in which many of them are involved either directly or indirectly. The flood of people, escaping the  horrible civilian consequence of this conflict is their own creation.
But when it comes to supporting the survival of these human beings, mostly women and children, they seem to be utterly unconcerned. Though they claim a billion dollars contribution in various forms for these refugees, the US alone has spent four times that amount. In addition, the conflict goes on. The flood of refugees, therefore, is bound to continue.
What is going on in Yemen for the last three years is, in a sense, a mirror image of what is happening in  Syria, a power struggle between the Shia and the Sunni factions of the Islamic world, with some local twists. One faction is led by Saudi Arabia, the other by Iran.
Starting from across North Africa and ending in Pakistan, the meltdown between the two factions, the suicide bombings including the destruction of mosques, territorial expansion, wars, are all happening. Where then is the Islamic superstate? First, let these fundamentalists decide between the Sunni-Shia divide on who is a ‘true’ Muslim. They want to decide by being at each others’ throat, and hold civil society to ransom.
The history of Wahhabism that began in Egypt and created an Osama bin Laden — the divine leader who would lead the fight to end all opposition to Islamisation — is plain enough in explaining this hatred as the driving force. After the killing of Osama bin Laden, the leadership for this fight has been captured by the Islamic State with its self-styled caliph.
When the Ali brothers launched the Khilafat movement in un-divided India, it was the same driving force of an Islamic caliphate that provided fuel among the Muslims in this country too. At that time, England and France together (to serve their colonial interests) had ended the Ottoman Empire which was seen by Muslims as a religious attack on Islam.
The movement called for the restoration of the caliphate. By supporting this movement, inadvertently Mahatma Gandhi watered the seeds of separation of India along religious lines. As it happened in Turkey, the caliphate was finally liquidated by Army officers led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk who crushed the religious movement and imposed a secular state.
Back to 2015: Civilised society continues to face serious threats from those who claim divine injunction to force their God, Holy Book and the Prophet on “kafirs, pagans, heathens etc..”. History is replete with numerous instances of massive human bloodshed through crusades and jihad, all in the name of ‘the god’. The gory process goes on unabated.
While those claiming to be acting on behest of Islam continue to push their agenda with bombs, the church has changed it’s stratagem, though it’s goal remains unchanged. Now, it’s violence against human dignity is bloodless; deceit and inducement are the weapons in it’s  armory. A large part of the European establishment funds these sordid covert operations — of destabilising and destroying ‘pagan’ societies. 
Whether you use money or a missile to push your ‘holy’ agenda,  you are surely on the wrong side of civilisation and a threat to global peace.

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