01 September, 2015

The ‘Pakistan Debate’ In India In 2015 Paper No. 5995 By Dr Subhash Kapila

The ‘Pakistan Debate’ in India in 2015 in terms of Indian policy formulations on Pakistan stands rekindled more intensely after Pakistan called off its participation in the India-Pakistan NSA’s talks on discussion of terrorism, a decision arrived at in the meeting of PM Modi and PM Nawaz Sharif on the side-lines of the SCO Summit at the Russian city of Ufa.
Before touching the ‘Pakistan Debate’ in India let us first address the fiasco that emerged last week in the follow-up of the UFA Meet decisions to discuss terrorism. The Ufa Meet of the Indian PM Modi and Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif is symptomatic and exemplifies all that is wrong for decades in India’s policy approaches and formulations of Pakistan policy.
India was wrong in agreeing to any meeting with the Pakistan Prime Minister on the side-lines of the SCO Summit in Russia. Surely, the Indian policy establishment would have been aware that with Russia and China dominating the SCO, and with China as the strategic patron of Pakistan, and with Russia now attempting to emerge as the second and joint patron of Pakistan, the atmospherics attending a meet of India-Pak Prime Ministers in a Russian city on sensitive issues was all wrong. The atmospherics were decidedly in favour of Pakistan.
To me personally, the Ufa Meet somehow, seems to recall the shades of the Tashkent Meet where the late Indian Prime Minister Shastri under severe Russian pressure was compelled to sell-out the gains India made in the 1965 War with Pakistan. At Ufa also, India was not under any domestic pressures to accommodate Pakistan for any resumption of talks with Pakistan.
On the contrary, like at Tashkent, India virtually stepped down the ladder of the tremendous tactical gains that the Indian Army and the BSF had made on the LOC and the IB segment of Jammu and Kashmir with their disproportionate responses to Pakistani border firings and incidents. That Indian strategy had begun paying off with effect. Then why the climb-down by India, and that too at a Summit Meet dominated by Russia and China?
In India, the ‘Pakistan Debate’ has been on-going for quite some time as to how best to deal with Pakistan, a nation whose own intellectuals and elites describe it as a “Garrison State” and where democracy stands always trampled under the jack-boots of Pakistan Army generals.
India’s liberalist glitterati increasingly being labelled in India as “bleeding hearts for Pakistan” strongly advocate peace with Pakistan, persistence in Track II talks and behind the scenes negotiations by Special Envoys. Most of such people are linked with external NGOs funding sojourns for these armchair strategists in Dubai, Istanbul or Bangkok. Track II processes have been on ever since 1991 commencing with Neemrana without any worthwhile gains.
The striking reason for their failures is that such processes ignore the ground realities that prevail in a Garrison State. Never in history have Garrison States submitted themselves to conflict resolution or peace processes. Garrison States thrive on confrontation and boxing much above their weight. In case of Pakistan Army with China as its most ardent strategic patron, the Pakistan Army has acquired the same traits that any India-Pakistan solution of their disputes has to be with ‘Pakistani Characteristics’. Would India as an aspiring ‘Global Player’ afford such a submission to Pakistan Army dictates?
The opposing Indian school of thought in the ‘Pakistan Debate’ is that India’s policy formulations on Pakistan should be strongly anchored to ‘realpolitik’ considerations arising from India’s power attributes, its natural predominance as the regional power in the Indian Subcontinent and its growing acceptance as the nett provider of security in the region.
In this approach to Pakistan, no one is advocating any war jingoism with Pakistan. What is being stressed is that Pakistani provocations on the borders or Mumbai 26/11like terrorism incidents should be dealt by India forcefully and with disproportionate response.
Indian political leaders must equip themselves with the WILL TO USE FORCE where due in defence of India’s national security. In the same vein, India in 2015 with the political and strategic standing that is at its elbow should embolden its political leaders to firmly indicate to the United States, China and Russia that India accords them no role in interfering or interceding on behalf of Pakistan. If these major powers wish peace to prevail in the Indian Subcontinent then they should pressurise the Pakistan Army to desist from its military adventurism against India through its notorious intelligence agency the ISI, or its Jihadi affiliates terrorist organisations, or the likes of the Hurriyet operating in the Kashmir Valley confines.
Concluding, India-at-large expects its Government in 2015 to project and reflect the above manifestations befitting India’s ascendancy on the global player ladder. India must totally shun its ‘Pakistan Appeasement’ policies and neutralise Pakistan Army’s strategy of striking equivalence with India, both political and military.
- See more at: http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/node/1844#sthash.X2tcd1A0.dpuf

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