09 December, 2014

Trump’s anti-Muslim remark triggers rebuke

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s call to bar “Muslims from entering the U.S.” has triggered sharp responses from different quarters, ranging from the White House to Republican leaders.
“We have, in our Bill of Rights, respect for the freedom of religion,” one of President Barack Obama’s top foreign policy aides, Ben Rhodes, told CNN. reacting to Mr. Trump’s comment.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie of the Republican Party termed it “ridiculous.” Former Florida Governor and one of the Republican contenders for presidential ticket, Jeb Bush, tweeted: “Donald Trump is unhinged. His ‘policy’ proposals are not serious.” Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State and Democratic candidate for President, said: “Demagogues throughout our history have attempted to divide us based on race, gender, sexual orientation or country of origin. Now, Trump and others want us to hate all Muslims.”
Mr. Trump made his most extreme pledge yet in a statement released to the media through his campaign team. “Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” the billionaire politician said.

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