05 February, 2015

Different religions in the country, but Hindutva unites them all: Mohan Bhagwat

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat Sunday said there are different religions in the country but only Hindutva was a common thread that unites them all.

“There are different ways of reaching the top. Hindu (thought) knows they only look different but are different versions of truth. The one who is already on top can see all heading towards him,’’ he told a gathering of RSS workers and common people in Sagar. 

Arguing that there were misconceptions about the RSS, Bhagwat said keeping the same Hindutva in mind the organisation teaches people to worship the country by being nationalists, disciplined and by developing character. “The Sangh creates volunteers who live for the nation and are ready to die for it.’’

Comparing Israel and India, which became independent around the same time, he said notwithstanding its size and desert the small nation had vastly progressed. “When its independence was being declared in parliament eight nations attacked it. It fought five wars. Where does it stand today? No one dares to see it in the eye,’’ he said of Israel. The RSS chief said it is not that India has not progressed but it has a long way to go.

“The country’s problems used to be blamed on the English people. They are long gone but have we succeeded in getting rid of all our problems after so many years of Independence, he said and quoted a poem by Veer Savarkar to ask “is that the India we dreamed of at Independence?”.“Did we have no money? Did we not spend? May be corruption accounted for some portion of the money.” 

Source : Indian Express

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