07 September, 2015

The hypocrisy of civil society By Balbir Punj

Kannada scholar Dr MM Kalburgi, was shot to death at his home
The daylight killing of Karnataka scholar MM Kalburgi in Dharwar is an act that deserves condemnation from civil society. Surprisingly most of those leading the charge against the evil deed represent ideologies and organisations, which usually endorse violence in the name of social justice and demand leniency for those who are convicted of heinous crimes such as murders and bomb explosions.
One cannot recall even one of them raising his/her voice when octogenarian Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati's frail body was riddled with bullets on August 23, 2008, in the deep forests of Kandhamal district of Odisha. His murderers broke open the door of the toilet and killed him. 
What was Swamiji's fault? He had spent a life time serving poor tribals in the remote forests of the backward state; helping them save their ancestral faith and identity from those who believe in buying of souls in exchange for a loaf of bread, or use them as fodder in their war against the state of India on behalf of their foreign masters (read China). 
On September 30, 2013, nearly five years after the dastardly assassination of the 82-year-old Swami, seven persons — all Christians, were convicted for the hate crime. The Swami and the string of institutions he used to run, were major irritants to both — Maoists and the church which are active in the area and pushing their respective agendas. Meanwhile a prominent multi-edition South-based English daily on Friday morning carried an edit page article by a top CPM leader in which she has termed the judgment in the Swamiji's murder case as “atrocious”. 
Defending those convicted, she says, their “crime is that they are Adivasi, they are Dalit, they are poor and they are Christian.” See the contradiction — while hell is being raised over Kalburgi’s murder, a campaign is on to secure the release of those found guilty of killing the Swami and four of his devotees. Kalburgi's murder was surely an un-Hindu act and those who committed it deserve no sympathy. But can there be double standards? Should the faith of the victim and perpetrator of the crime, colour the response of civil society to such sordid crimes ? 
Do we remember what was the first reaction of the ‘'secularists’ when 59 kar sevaks returning from a pilgrimage from Ayodhya were roasted alive by a mob fired by religious zeal at Godhra on the fateful morning of 27th February, 2002? They sought to blame the victims for their fiery end. 
One multi-edition English daily (claiming maximum circulation and readership in the national capital region ) carried an editorial the following day which said that the kar sevaks had brought on themselves the horrible fate by taking a highly ‘provocative’ action of visiting Ayodhya and raising slogans hailing Lord Rama ! After UPA was voted to power in May 2004, within four months (September 2004) its Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav appointed an inquiry into the Godhra episode headed by Justice Umesh Chandra Banerjee. In tune with the ‘secular’ line, the Banerjee committee held that it was an “accidental fire” —implicitly absolving all the criminals of their heinous dead. 
Later the Gujarat High Court termed the formation of this committee as ‘unconstitutional, illegal and null and void’. The High Court further said that its formation to be a ‘colourable exercise of power with the malafide intentions’. 
Generally intellectuals and activists guilty of such double standards belong to the leftists pack laying exclusive claim to ‘secularism.’ Is it not ironical that the leftists of various hues arrogate themselves the leadership of secular and democratic values while their record on these counts is black? During the fateful years preceding Independence in 1947, the communists actively worked with M. A. Jinnah and the British for the creation of Pakistan — a country whose foundation were wedded to theocracy and has emerged as a petri dish of terror in the region. Coming back to Kalburgi's murder case, one should not hazard a guess either about the identity of the murderers or their motives till the police investigations conclude. However, killing someone for his/her views ,is alien to Indian traditions and philosophy. 
The New Encyclopedia Britannica says, ‘In principle, Hinduism incorporates all forms of belief and worship without necessitating the selection or elimination of any. It is axiomatic that no religious idea in India ever dies or is superseded — it is merely combined with the new ideas that arise in response to it. Hindus are inclined to revere the divine in every manifestation, whatever it may be, and are doctrinally tolerant, allowing others — including both Hindus and non-Hindus — whatever beliefs suit them best.’ 
Where is the scope for any violence in such a pluralistic tradition? Distortions in the system crept in following the arrival of Islam (Muhamad Bin Qasim in early eight century) and Christian clergy led by Saint Francis Xavier (in 1542) as invaders. The entry of foreign inspired communist ideology, with its concepts of “class enemies and wars”, in the 1920s further added to this creed of intolerance and bigotry. 
In the last century, history was stained in blood by the Stalinist excesses in the name of exclusive claims to Marxist- Leninist ideological purity in Russia and eastern Europe on the one hand and Nazifacist atrocities on the Jews in Germany on the other. History may repeat itself first as a tragedy and then as a farce. But the lesson of self-proclaimed revolutions whether in the name of the dictatorship of the proletariat or of the monopolists of purity in the name of religion, is the same: unity through diversity of thought and respect for it is the best bet to real and sustained democracy in action. The writer is a commentator on political and social issues.

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